Literacy In Laos - Big Brother Mouse

  • Literacy in Laos

    Literacy in Laos

    Until recently, books have been rare in Laos. The number of children who go to school is increasing, but many children have never read a book outside of school textbooks.

  • A visit from Big Brother Mouse

    A visit from Big Brother Mouse

    Big Brother Mouse hosts 'Book Parties,' that teach kids games to reinforce good habits, especially the value of reading.

  • Educational Games

    Educational Games

    Two boys dressed as plaque and tooth decay chase their peers in a game that reinforces the importance of dental hygene.

  • Leading


    Big Brother Mouse team member Linda leads a game. Linda translates books between local Lao dialects, Hmong, and English. She aspires to write books in Hmong, which didn't have a written form until the last century.

  • Fight tooth decay!

    Fight tooth decay!

    The boys who represented tooth decay receive a dental hygene kit. Poor dental hygeme is rampant in rural Laos.

  • Jump for literacy!

    Jump for literacy!

    Games get the children excited about learning to read.

  • Refreshments


    Fresh juice is served after the games. Many children in rural Laos suffer from poor nutrition.