One by One
A Palestinian man waits to be called to show his ID and permit to an Israeli soldier at the Kalandia checkpoint.
Palestinians detained by the roadside wait to have their IDs and permits checked by an Israeli soldier.
Maybe, maybe not
Regardless of ID and permit, whether or not a Palestinian may pass through an area relies on the whim of the soldier guarding the passage.
Palestinians must show IDs and permits when traveling from area to area.
Two Towers
An Israeli military watchtower and a mineret. Ramallah.
Kalandia checkpoint, Ramallah
A Palestinian woman is apprehended by Israeli soldiers in in the West Bank for not having the proper permit to traverse the area.
Climbing through a gate in the wall at Abu-Dis.
The wall around East Jerusalem.
A Palestinian woman shows her documents to an Israeli soldier so that she may enter the Gaza Strip and go home.
An Israeli soldier checks Palestinian IDs while Western tourists walk through the passage to Bethlehem.
A Palestinian woman shows an Israeli soldier her ID as she tries to exit Bethlehem.
The long walk home
A Palestinian farmer walks around the wall that separates his agricultural area from his home.
Palestinians are required to carry IDs and have permits to travel from area to area. Palestinian men show their permits at Kalandia checkpoint, Ramallah.
Two Towers
An Israeli military watchtower and a mineret. Ramallah.
A fence and barbed wire surround the 25 foot high segregation wall around Ramallah, the business capital of Palestiine.
Kalandia checkpoint, Ramallah
Two Palestinian women walk along the wall at Abu-Dis. After ransportation stops on one side, Palestinians cross to the other side and find more transportation to continue their journey.
The wall around East Jerusalem.